About the Journal

"Educational Issues" publish theoretical, research and methodological works from scientific disciplines related to the field of education.

Peer review proces: external reviews, both domestic and foreign, double, scientific papers only, double blind

First year of publication: 2018.

Frequency (annually): 2

Topics: Information and communication sciences; Sociology; Psychology; Pedagogy; Educational and rehabilitation sciences; Kinesiology; Interdisciplinary social sciences; Interdisciplinary humanities; Educational sciences (psychology of upbringing and education, sociology of education, political science of education, economics of education, anthropology of education, neuroscience and early learning, pedagogical disciplines)

Availability: The journal is available online in the National and University Libraries, the HRČAK portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals, and on the parent institution's website.

Copyright: "Educational Issues" is an open access journal. The entire content of the journal is freely available.

Author fees: There are no fees or charges for authors. 

Ownership and management: Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Rijeka

Revenue sources: Faculty of Teacher Education is providing institutional support in printing 50 pieces of each journal issue for promotional purposes. There are no revenue sources and do direct marketing for this journal.

License: This document is published under the following license

Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



Ethical guidelines:

The journal Educational Issues of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka is a multidisciplinary scientific journal (hereinafter referred to as the Journal) in which previously unpublished works from scientific fields related to education are published.

The Journal publishes theoretical, research and methodological works from scientific branches related to the field of care and education. Only papers that have not been previously published or are in the process of being reviewed by another journal are accepted for publication.

  • Code of Ethics of the Editorial Board

The Editorial Board discusses and decides on papers for publication and periodical columns. The Editorial Board proposes reviewers for papers and decides on the selection of reviewers (two reviewers for each submitted paper, and in case of inconsistent reviews or for other needs, some papers also undergo a third review). The Editorial Board decides on all activities important for publication. The Editorial Board discusses the possibilities for improving the quality of Journal. The Editorial Board reads the received papers and evaluates the ethics of the papers (race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the author(s)). The Editorial Board protects the author's anonymity when sending papers for review. By using modern methods of anonymising communication and materials, the Editorial Office ensures a double-blind review process. The Editorial Board is in contact with authors and reviewers for all doubts and questions. The Editorial Board examines the papers after editing according to the reviewers' instructions. The Editorial Board is committed to the fair and impartial evaluation of all manuscripts received, regardless of the author's identity, affiliation or other potential bias. The Editorial Board upholds transparency in the decision-making process. It communicates openly with authors and reviewers, providing clear and constructive feedback.

  • Code of Ethics for the International Council

The function of the International Publishing Council is advisory. The International Publishing Council coordinates the mission, scientific goals and general scientific strategy of the Journal. The International Publishing Council discusses possibilities for improving the Journal. The International Publishing Council participates in meetings. The International Publishing Council promotes the Journal in its scientific circles. With the aim of ensuring the highest possible level of quality of the Journal, as well as the balanced representation of multiple cultures, the membership of the Editorial Board includes all scientific fields that this journal deals with. Members of the International Publishing Council may review submitted works. The International Publishing Council provides international scientific support.

  • Code of Ethics for Reviewers

The reviewer comments on possible revisions and improvements in the paper. The reviewer respects the deadline for the review. The paper received by the reviewer is a confidential document and can only be discussed with the editor-in-chief and executive editor. The review must be objective and the comments must be clear and well-argued.  By using modern methods of anonymising communication and material, the editorial office ensures a double-blind review process in which the reviewers are not aware of the author's identity, and vice-versa. Reviewers are expected to evaluate manuscripts objectively and without bias, considering the scientific value of the paper rather than personal opinions or affiliations. Reviewers are advised to use the COPE peer review ethical guidelines ((https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/cope-ethical-guidelines-peer-reviewers)

  • Code of Ethics for Authors

Authors bear all responsibility concerning the use and citation of other papers in a moral and ethical sense, as well as responsibility according to the provisions of the law governing copyright. The author must submit to the Editorial Board an original paper that has not been previously published in other journals. The author shall not send the paper that is undergoing review to other journals.  Following the principles of open science, authors should ensure accurate and transparent data reporting, ensuring the reproducibility and reliability of their research. By using modern methods of anonymising communication and materials, the editorial office ensures a double-blind review process in which the authors are not aware of the identity of the reviewers. For research in which respondents are included, the paper must contain clear information about Informed consent for participation in the research, and about ensuring anonymity in the participation of respondents, especially when it comes to minor respondents and children. In the case of minor respondents, the authors are obliged to point out that they received permission to participate from their parents or caregivers. Following the detailed basic instructions for citing and paraphrasing someone else's text or other form of author's work, authors are obliged to provide a reference if they have used any artificial intelligence tool (such as ChatGPT, SciSpace, Consensus, Research Rabbit, Elicit, etc.).


  • The Journal is guided by the following principles:

Research involving human participants must adhere to the principles expressed in the Helsinki Declaration (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human- subjects). Authors should confirm that Informed consent has been obtained from all participants or their representatives and attach the approval of the relevant Ethics Committees (or other bodies that assess the ethics of research).

The Editorial Board, the International Publishing Council and the reviewers must evaluate the papers impartially with regard to their quality.

Members of the Editorial Board and the International Publishing Council will actively participate in ongoing professional development in order to remain informed about the development of ethical standards and best practices in scientific publishing.

Authors, reviewers and Editorial Board members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could jeopardise the integrity of the publishing process.

  • This Code of Ethics reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, transparency and fairness throughout the editorial and publishing process, contributing to the scientific rigour of our Journal and its eligibility for inclusion in the Scopus database.